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Professional Fees
I follow NDIS recommended fees:
Social & Recreational

Daily Life
& In-home Support
Bookings - minimum hours = 2 hours
If any establishment fees are to be billed, it will be discussed with you at the first meeting ie the meet and greet. All per hour rates, travel etc will be listed in
detail in my Support Agreement I will leave with you to look over.
Who I can support/work with:
I am a top unregistered provider under an ABN which means I can work with you if you are:
1. Plan Managed:
You can choose to use a Plan Manager to manage your NDIS funding and
pay your bills for you. The NDIA will provide funding in your plan to pay for a Plan Manager.Great companies such as can be a Plan Manager for you. They will pay your provider's bill after their invoice has been approved for payment eg by your support co-ordinator (who manages the implementation of your NDIS plan).
This option also gives you the flexibility to use a lot more of the providers on the market ie both registered and non-registered providers. You can now choose passionate, skilled, experienced professionals like myself that otherwise you would have missed out on if you choose Agency Managed or NDIA Managed at your yearly NDIS Plan meeting.
2. Self-managed:
You control all of your funding and are required to manually claim and
pay your bills. This can be time consuming and create a lot of administration work for you.
3. Privately Funded or have access to other funding:
If you have private funds or other type of funding then you can choose to work with me too.
4. Agency Managed or NDIA Managed: I CANNOT WORK WITH YOU:
This means you can ONLY use NDIS registered providers. This is a restrictive option and you may miss out on many great services that may better suit your goals and needs by having chosen this option at your NDIS Plan meeting.
For more detailed info
re your NDIS funding options
click on the following link:
Service Agreement:
Once you have looked over the Service Agreement and are happy to sign off on it, the Provider too will sign it. The Service Agreement will list the days and hours you will like support so that is clear for all parties. Please update your goals and support required to the Provider who can add this to the Service Agreement.
The Service Agreement will provide clarity and peace of mind for you regarding the prices, the support you would like provided, and the time frames to be booked to work with you to achieve your goals and support needs.

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